Thai White Rice 5%   :   580 (USD/MT)    |   Vietnam White Rice 5%   :   590 (USD/MT)    |   Vietnam White Rice 5451 5%   :   610 (USD/MT)    |   Myanmar White Rice 5%   :   590 (USD/MT)    |   India Long Grain White Rice 5%   :   600 (USD/MT)    |   India Medium Grain White Rice 5%   :   590 (USD/MT)    |   Thai Parboiled Rice 5%   :   585 (USD/MT)    |   Indian Long Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   540 (USD/MT)    |   Indian Medium Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   540 (USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Long Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   600 (USD/MT)    |   Indian Basmati Rice 5% (1121 Pure)   :   1300 (USD/MT)    |   Thai Hommali Rice 5%   :   795 (USD/MT)    |   Cambodia Phka Malis Rice 5%   :   750 (USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Fragrant Rice 5%   :   620 (USD/MT)    |   Corn India SPOT   :   300 (USD/MT)    |   Corn Pakistan SPOT   :   220 (USD/MT)    |   Robusta Coffee ICEEUSOFT   :   3900 (USD/MT)    |   Black pepper Vietnam SPOT   :   4040 (USD/MT)    |  


Welcome to the insights page of Hero Market! As an agritech company utilizing data intelligence, we are excited to share the decades of knowledge and trends we`ve uncovered to help the agriculture community.

Our insights draw on multiple data sources - from satellite imagery and sensor data to market information and crop research. We analyze this data to identify key learnings across areas like:

For smallholder farmers

- Predictive analytics for weather patterns and disease risks M

- Market prices and demand forecasting for crops

- Data-driven tips to improve yields and soil health

For agribusinesses

- Emerging consumer trends and preferences

- Competitor benchmarking and industry analysis

- Supply chain insights and smallholder sourcing opportunities

For Agricultural Enthusiasts:

- Developments in vertical farming, hydroponics and aquaponics

- Innovation trends like AI, drones, and blockchain for agriculture

- Research on climate-smart agriculture and sustainability

Our goal is to turn complex data into clear, actionable insights. We hope these insights can help guide your decisions and strategy. Let us know if you have any topics you want us to explore or questions you need answered! We are constantly seeking new ways data can empower agriculture.