Thai White Rice 5%   :   580 (USD/MT)    |   Vietnam White Rice 5%   :   590 (USD/MT)    |   Vietnam White Rice 5451 5%   :   610 (USD/MT)    |   Myanmar White Rice 5%   :   590 (USD/MT)    |   India Long Grain White Rice 5%   :   600 (USD/MT)    |   India Medium Grain White Rice 5%   :   590 (USD/MT)    |   Thai Parboiled Rice 5%   :   585 (USD/MT)    |   Indian Long Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   540 (USD/MT)    |   Indian Medium Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   540 (USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Long Grain Parboiled Rice 5%   :   600 (USD/MT)    |   Indian Basmati Rice 5% (1121 Pure)   :   1300 (USD/MT)    |   Thai Hommali Rice 5%   :   795 (USD/MT)    |   Cambodia Phka Malis Rice 5%   :   750 (USD/MT)    |   Vietnam Fragrant Rice 5%   :   620 (USD/MT)    |   Corn India SPOT   :   300 (USD/MT)    |   Corn Pakistan SPOT   :   220 (USD/MT)    |   Robusta Coffee ICEEUSOFT   :   3900 (USD/MT)    |   Black pepper Vietnam SPOT   :   4040 (USD/MT)    |  

Impact on people and planet

Jul 14, 2023

Views: 18

    Smallholder livelihoods

    Our goal is to ensure that we can help atleast 50,000 smallholder farmers (SHF) producers over next 2 years (consider gender balance & youth). We will increase their net income in real terms from sustainable production by 20%.

    Access to inputs

    Our goal is to ensure that we can help atleast 50,000 smallholder farmers over next 2 years to have improved access to high quality inputs (e.g. seeds, fertilizer), services (e.g. mechanization, extension) and finance (e.g. working capital, pre-financed inputs) for sustainable farming practices.

    Environmental sustainability

    The environmental sustainability of production (e.g. use of pesticides reduced by 15-30%, better water management results in reduced usage by 15-30%, other resource efficiency reduces heavy labor by 30-50%, etc.) is improved through the adoption of sustainability standards (SRP) by at least 70% of smallholder producers as well as further sustainability practices and business models (e.g. biomass use, etc.).

    GHGs reduced by 30-50% in our intervention areas.

    Reduced land degradation by 10-15% due to reduced salinity and tillage.

    Increase biodiversity by crop diversification and other interventions.

    Generation of Carbon credits – proceeds to be utilized for betterment of farmers quality of life.

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