Hero Market is a cross-border B2B marketplace designed specifically for agricultural commodities, with a special focus on rice.

Hero Market connects buyers and sellers from India, Vietnam, and the Philippines, creating a seamless and efficient trading experience.

Verified Network

Real-time Communication

Market Insights

Secure Transactions

Seed-to-Sale and everything in between!
Food Staples
Fruits & Vegetable
Animal Feed
Start Transacting in 2 simple steps
Buyer Benefits
Procure with Ease
Great wholesale prices
Available best prices on top quality products
Request for quotations
Take quotations from multiple sellers and compare the best price
Samples Request
Worried about the quality? Get samples first and be rest assured
Wide range from top sellers
Shop from top sellers across Vietnam, Africa and India
Easy Delivery
Get delivery of your orders at your doorstep
Trade Assurance
Enjoy protection from payment to delivery
Be a Hero Seller
Easy Registration & On-Boarding
Start to sell on Hero in a matter of few clicks. We only capture the bare minimum details required and you are up and running.
Market Access
Opening new avenues for your business cutting cross segments like government, trade, large enterprises, associations and new geographies.
Best in class logistics through our partners. Convenient timings and cut-off, packaging expertise, professional handling of goods in transit, compliance handling and visibility of your items throughout the value chain.
Secure payments via nodal accounts run as the govt. guidelines. Settlements with best in class terms of trade with availability of faster settlement cycles as well.
Insights & Analytics
Integrated analytics providing you insights around sales, returns, inventory and other aspects of business.
Seller Support
Seller support to address your queries.
Be a Hero Seller
Easy Registration & On-Boarding
Start to sell on Hero in a matter of few clicks. We only capture the bare minimum details required and you are up and running.
Market Access
Opening new avenues for your business cutting cross segments like government, trade, large enterprises, associations and new geographies.
Best in class logistics through our partners. Convenient timings and cut-off, packaging expertise, professional handling of goods in transit, compliance handling and visibility of your items throughout the value chain.
Secure payments via nodal accounts run as the govt. guidelines. Settlements with best in class terms of trade with availability of faster settlement cycles as well.
Source on Hero
Best Prices and Deals
Easy Browsing and Ordering
Secure Payments
Source on HeroApp
Best Prices and Deals
Secure Payments
Easy Browsing and Ordering
Our Heroes
Nguyễn Văn Bờ
Long An, Việt Nam
During the COVID-19 lockdown, I was really worried about our paddy which was ready to harvest. Who will buy my paddy? Who will pay me a fair price? Will I be able to get my money on time? Farm Angel took care of everything for me.
Nguyễn Thị Hiệp
Long An, Việt Nam
After Farm Angel came to our district, everything has been running smoothly without any problems. Their field workers help us a lot. During harvest, they ensure to weigh everything properly and have no intention of cheating us.
Lê Văn Thắm
Long An, Việt Nam
In the farming business, I don’t have any time to waste. Now that I save time with Farm Angel and have no worry for selling my harvest for a fair price, I got a steady income, and I can relax and be peaceful.
Lê Văn Hùng
Long An, Việt Nam
My favorite thing about Farm Angel is how all my data is shown to me on the app and just makes our farm work seamlessly to track my profits. I want to leave a profitable farm for my children so they don’t have to go away from our home and work in another place.
Lê Trần Minh Tuấn
Long An, Việt Nam
I can say people can rely on you because you stand by your promise.
Nguyễn Văn Hùng
Long An, Việt Nam
I like the attention I was given. They made me feel special and answered all my questions even though I am a small farmer. Thank you.
Bùi Thị Đẹp
Long An, Việt Nam
It is a good experience. I will tell all my friends.
Nguyễn Thị Đậu
Long An, Việt Nam
With the Farm Angel app, we always know what our price is on the average, where it got to get delivered, and what is the basis of price. Everything right at our fingertips, and we know immediately and exactly what our position is.